Here in Illinois, fully 14% of people living here were born outside of the U.S. This large portion of the population contributes significantly to business in Illinois, as the headline suggests. For some added perspective on the impact of immigrants on business in Illinois, check out this infographic:
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What is the breakdown by type of business? How many employees do those businesses have? The economic impact of a bunch of independent contractors is different than that of larger businesses. Page 15 of the Open for Business report says that for the 2007 data there were 501,973 immigrant owned firms with employment of 3,997,977. Average employees of the immigrant-owned firms is 7.96. Lowercase native owned firms 3,049,698 employment of 36,426,585. Average employees 11.94. Looking further at total payroll average per firm, the immigrant-owned firms total payroll is only 8.8% of the total for 14.1% of the total number of firms. From my anecdotal experience, I have a number of immigrant clients who own small businesses or are self-employed "business owners." A lot of them are working very hard for very little money. Being a low-income entrepreneur is not an easy life.
It's better than working for the man.
I really love your write-ups guys continue the good work.
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