Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Illinois Supreme Court makes plans for statewide e-filing

In a press release dated May 23, 2008, the Illinois Supreme Court expressed its plan to electronically link all 23 judicial circuits through a single website. Litigants would then be able to e-file documents in any county through the one website. The Court hopes to have the website created in the next three to five years. Here is a brief article from

E-filing in the federal courts is mandatory. I really like that system. It is so much easier than driving to Chicago, that's for sure. I've also found that certain courts will simply rule on routine motions without the movant ever having to appear. For instance, when a plaintiff files a motion to voluntarily dismiss a case, or something else very simple and unopposed, it is not uncommon to receive an emailed order granting relief shortly after e-filing the motion.

Does anyone see any problems with this proposed plan?

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